
  • 2024-08-31 KAIGOZAN DOJOBIRAKI (Stockholm, SWE)

    Welcome to the official opening of our new Kaigozan Dojo. The instructors at Kaigozan will hold training between 11-17. You are welcome.

  • 2024-09-14 Sverigeläger

    Årets Sverigeläger går av stapeln lite senare än tidigare år.Men det blir lika intressant som kul ändå. Följ länken och anmäl er nu: Sverigeläger 2024

  • 2024-10-12 FURUTA TAIKAI (Liverpool, UK)

    Bujinkan Liverpool Uk Taikai 2024£210.00 £160.00
    Dates – 12th & 13th October Early Bird Offer (Now-May): £160 Discounted Price (June-July) : £185 Full Price (August-October) : £210 Not including any accommodation, meals, other costs (ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2024) Please read our Event Terms & Conditions here All event informatio

  • 2024-11-15 SHIRAISHI TAIKAI (Helsinki, FIN)

    A Taikai event in Helsinki, Finland with Daishihan Isamu Shiraishi will take place on November 15th – 17th, 2024. More information on the exact location, schedule, etc. will be coming shortly, so for now, please save the dates! See the web site for more TAIKAI.FI